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Okinawa Preliminary Round Finalists:Shuri-te kei / Tomari-te kei

Boys and Girls II(3rd round, 1st set)

Rank Bib Number
1st 12068
2nd 12058
3rd 12080
4th 12061
5th 12123

Girls I

Rank Bib Number
1st 15016
2nd 15018
3rd 15005
4th 15004

Boys and Girls II(3rd round, 2nd set)

Rank Bib Number
1st 12075
2nd 12069
3rd 12081
4th 12048
5th 12076

Boys and Girls I

Rank Bib Number
1st 11023
2nd 11024
3rd 11034
4th 11021

Boys I(3rd round, 1st set)

Rank Bib Number
1st 14063
2nd 14040
3rd 14084

Boys I(3rd round, 2nd set)

Rank Bib Number
1st 14039
2nd 14015
3rd 14006

Boys and Girls III(3rd round, 1st set)

Rank Bib Number
1st 13058
2nd 13017
3rd 13073
4th 13111
5th 13059

Boys and Girls III(3rd round, 2nd set)

Rank Bib Number
1st 13077
2nd 13097
3rd 13080
4th 13011
5th 13072