The 2nd Okinawa Karate World Junior Tournament Judge and Referee Regulations

Criteria for Judgment

Article 1
The referee and judges shall evaluate the performance of each competitor from the viewpoint of the traditional Okinawa karate and kobudo by the following criteria.
(1) Characteristics of Okinawa karate and kobudo (atifa, muchimi, chinkuchi, etc.)
(2) Movement and sequence of Kata, accuracy of technique
(3) Understanding of Kata
(4) Appropriate speed fluctuation
(5) Breathing, strength, speed, timing, balance, and technique
(6) Consistency and accuracy of footwork
(7) Basic movement (posture, stance, etiquette, etc.)

Judgment in the Scoring System

Article 2
In the scoring system, the referee and judges will evaluate the competitor’s performance according to the criteria of the preceding article on a 10-point scale (up to the second decimal place, in increments of 0.05).

Declaring Kata

Article 3
1. Competitors shall select the Kata to be performed based on Article 7 of The 2nd Okinawa Karate World Junior Tournament Competition Rules and Regulations (hereinafter referred to as “Competition Rules and Regulations”), and a prescribed report form shall be submitted to the score-keeper’s table before the performance.
2. Changing the Kata after submission will not be accepted. However, if the competitor declared a Kata that cannot be selected according to the Competition Rules and Regulations, he/she can correct it based on instructions given by the score-keeper.

Calling out the Kata

Article 4
1. Competitors shall clearly call out the name of the Kata before performing.
2. If the name of the Kata is called out incorrectly, it shall be accepted if correction is made immediately, however correction after the performance starts is not permitted.
3. If it is difficult to hear the name of the Kata, the referee shall reconfirm with the competitor.


Article 5
The following acts are subject to point deduction.
(1) Overacting
a. Making excessive sounds, such as beating the chest, arms, or uniform; stomping of the feet
b. Excessive, unnecessary breathing
c. Taking long pauses between each movement, and movement to stop the flow of the Kata
(2) Competitor performs a different Kata from the declared Kata
(3) Competitor performs without calling out the name of the Kata he/she is to perform
(4) Competitor’s belt or sash falls off during the performance
(5) Errors in movement or sequence of the Kata
(6) One hand is removed from the Bo during a kobudo performance (except when changing the hand), or the Bo being used touches the floor
(7) If a competitor appears in the court wearing a uniform in violation of the Competition Rules and Regulations Article 2, and was given 2 minutes to correct their uniform, nevertheless if deficiencies are still ascertained afterwards
(8) Competitor violates any other provisions in these regulations and/or the Competition Rules and Regulations


Article 6
Competitors will be disqualified in the following cases.
(1) Abandoning a performance in the middle of the competition
(2) Using a non-approved weapon without a seal of examination in a kobudo performance
(3) Dropping a Bo in the middle of the kobudo performance
(4) Competitor refuses to follow referee instructions, uses abusive language, acts violently or inappropriately to interrupt the competition, or severely damages the prestige of the tournament
2. The disqualification in each item of the preceding paragraph shall apply only to the category in which the disqualification occurred.


Article 7
If a competitor does not appear on the court after one minute has elapsed from the time his/her name is displayed on the electronic board, he/she shall be deemed to have abandoned the competition.


Article 8
1. In the event that a competitor feels unwell, falls, injured by a Bo, during a performance, the referee will interrupt the performance and direct the competitor to the tournament doctor. In this case, continuation and judgment of the competition will be decided by the referee panel after consultation.
2. Eyeglasses can be worn during the performance if the competitor has taken steps to prevent them from falling off. However, if glasses fall during a performance, the referee shall stop the performance to ensure the safety of the performer. In this case, continuation and judgment of the competition will be decided by the referee panel after consultation.
3. If it is suspected that the competitor violates these regulations and/or the Competition Rules and Regulations before or during the performance, the referee will suspend the competition and confirm with the referee panel. In this case, continuation and judgment of the competition will be decided by the referee panel after consultation.

Filing an Objection

Article 9
1. Competitors cannot file an objection against the judgment of the referee panel.
2. In case of suspected violation against these regulations and/or Competition Rules and Regulations, only a coach can file an objection to the auditor.
3. Generally, a coach must file an objection before judgment. However, if an objection is filed immediately after judgment, the referee panel may accept an objection upon affirmation by the auditor.
4. If an objection is filed during a performance, the auditor shall suspend the competition by bell signals and the referee panel shall verify the objection. Continuation and judgment of the competition in that case will be decided by the referee panel after consultation.
5. If an objection is filed between the end of the performance and judgment, the auditor shall suspend the judgment by bell signals and the referee panel shall verify the objection. Judgment of the competition in that case will be decided by the referee panel after consultation.
6. If an objection is filed immediately after the judgment, the referee panel shall verify the objection. If the objection is deemed valid, the referee shall make a decision again.


Article 10
If the competitor’s coach, parents, or other related parties use abusive language, act violently or inappropriately to interrupt the tournament, or damages the prestige of the tournament, the referee panel will discuss and decide on the necessary actions, such as giving out strict warnings, ordering them to leave the venue, or disqualifying the competitor.
2. When problems occur other than the matters stipulated in these regulations and/or the Competition Rules and Regulations, it shall ultimately be left to the Chairman of the Referee Division.

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