The 2nd Okinawa Karate World Junior Tournament Social Media Account Operation Policy

In Okinawa Prefecture, the “Okinawa Prefecture Social Media Use Guidelines” stipulate the basics and cautions for using social media. “The 2nd Okinawa Karate World Junior Tournament” also follows these guidelines when providing information.
Users are to note the following cautions regarding the basic information provided by “The 2nd Okinawa Karate World Junior Tournament” social media accounts.

“The 2nd Okinawa Karate World Junior Tournament Social Media Account Operation Policy”

1. Account name

The 2nd Okinawa Karate World Junior Tournament

2. URLs

  1. Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/okinawakarate2022
  2. Instagram:okinawakarate_wt

3. Administrator

Okinawa Karate World Tournament Executive Committee Secretariat
(hereinafter referred to as the Tournament Executive Committee Secretariat)

4. Information dissemination objectives

“The 2nd Okinawa Karate World Junior Tournament” social media accounts aim to provide the latest information before and during the tournament and supplemental information about Okinawa karate. They are to be tools for Okinawa karate enthusiasts around the world to obtain information.

5. Policy for responding to comments and questions

When deemed necessary, we shall reply to comments posted to our social media accounts. Please understand that we cannot reply to all comments. For specific opinions and questions about “The 2nd Okinawa Karate World Junior Tournament,” contact us directly through the official website of “The 2nd Okinawa Karate World Junior Tournament.”

6. Prohibited matter

Please refrain from sending the following comments. We will “hide” or “delete” comments, etc., if we determine that any of the following items apply.
(1) Comments that violate any law or regulation.
(2) Comments going against public order and morals.
(3) Comments that infringe the rights of third parties or basic human rights.
(4) Disclosure of personal information without the consent of the person in question.
(5) Slandering any individuals, companies, organizations, etc.
(6) The promotion of any sales activities, political activities, religious activities, or other profit-making activities.
(7) Comments unrelated to the contributions of the Tournament Executive Committee Secretariat.
(8) Comments which contain falsehoods or are non-factual.
(9) Comments which may infringe on the copyrights, trademark rights, portrait rights, intellectual property rights, etc., of the Tournament Executive Committee Secretariat, any users, or third parties.
(10) Comments which can cause any damage or loss to the Tournament Executive Committee Secretariat, any users, or third parties.
(11) Links to harmful programs.
(12) Inappropriate or obscene comments.
(13) Comments violating the social media provider’s Terms of Use.
(14) Any other comments deemed inappropriate by the Tournament Executive Committee Secretariat.

7. Copyrights

The copyright of all photos, illustrations, audio, videos, articles, etc., posted to this account belongs to the Tournament Executive Committee Secretariat or to the legitimate copyright holder. Any unauthorized use or copying of the content posted to this account is prohibited, except as permitted by copyright laws. (Social media sharing of social media content is permitted since it is not unauthorized use or copying.)

8. Disclaimer

The Tournament Executive Committee Secretariat cannot be held liable for the actions taken by users using the information found on this social media account.

9. Personal information

Personal information posted on this account shall be managed properly in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Law.
(1) Personal information is defined as information that can identify a specific individual, such as the person’s name and birthdate.
(2) Personal information shall not be used or provided for any purpose other than those specified and in the cases permitted by the Personal Information Protection Law such as obtaining the consent of the person in question.
(3) If personal information is collected through this social media account, the Tournament Executive Committee Secretariat shall only collect information willingly provided by the user.


The Okinawa Karate World Tournament Executive Committee Secretariat
(Okinawa Prefectural Government Department of Culture, Tourism and Sports, Karate Promotion Division)
Phone: 098-866-2232