Seminar Schedule and Program

We will be holding the Okinawa Karate Seminar with the aim of deepening the traditional techniques and spirituality that have been systematized in Okinawa. Please join us for this special opportunity to experience the essence of Okinawa karate through instructors selected from various styles.

General Schedule

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★: Holder of Okinawa Prefecture designated intangible cultural asset

August 9 (Friday)

10:00~12:00 01 Masahiro Nakamoto (Kobujutu)★
02 Hidemi Tamayose (Kobujutu)
03 Yoshimitsu Matsuzaki (Uechi-ryu kei)
12:30~14:30 04 Kanji Uechi (Uechi-ryu kei)
05 Shinmatsu Okuhama (Uechi-ryu kei)
06 Mitsukazu Toe / Tomoichiro Nagamine (Kobujutu)
15:00~17:00 07 Giyu Gibo (Kobujutu)
08 Yoshio Kuba (Naha-te kei)
09 Meitatsu Yagi (Naha-te kei)

August 10 (Saturday)

10:00~12:00 10 Masanari Kikugawa (Naha-te kei)★
11 Takeshi Nakazato (Shuri/Tomari-te kei)
12 Toru Kyan (Shuri/Tomari-te kei)
12:30~14:30 13 Kenyu Chinen (Shuri/Tomari-te kei)
14 Tetsu Gima (Naha-te kei)
15 Sadayuki Taira (Naha-te kei)
15:00~17:00 16 Tsutomu Nakahodo (Uechi-ryu kei)★
17 Zenpo Shimabukuro (Shuri/Tomari-te kei)
18 Koyu Higa (Shuri/Tomari-te kei)

August 11 (Sunday)

10:00~12:00 19 Shintoku Takara (Uechi-ryu kei)★
20 Kotaro Iha (Kobujutu)★
21 Seiki Takushi (Kobujutu)
12:30~14:30 22 Morinobu Maeshiro (Shuri/Tomari-te kei)★
23 Yoshitaka Taira (Shuri/Tomari-te kei)
24 Nobuko Oshiro (Shuri/Tomari-te kei)
15:00~17:00 25 Morio Higaonna (Naha-te kei)★
26 Masaaki Ikemiyagi (Naha-te kei)
27 Minoru Nakazato (Shuri/Tomari-te kei)


01 Kobujutu Masahiro Nakamoto★

Holder of Okinawa Prefecture designated intangible cultural asset
Okinawa Dento Kobudo (Taira Shinken-kei) 10th Dan
Okinawa Dento Kobudo Bunbukan
Recommended Level : All Recommended Age : 3rd grade of elementary school and up
Theme of the seminar
1. Okinawa Traditional Kobudo Introduction
2. Nunchaku kata and kumite, Application
3. Konjutsu no kata, basic kata application
Date & Time : August 9 (Friday) 10:00~12:00

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02 Kobujutu Hidemi Tamayose

Ryukyu Kobudo (Taira-kei) 10th Dan
Ryukyu Kobudo Tesshinkan Kyokai
Recommended Level : Beginner, Intermediate Recommended Age : Junior high school students (13 years old) and up
Theme of the seminar
• History of the Taira-kei
• Characteristics of the Taira-kei
Date & Time : August 9 (Friday) 10:00~12:00

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03 Uechi-ryu kei Yoshimitsu Matsuzaki

Uechi-ryu 8th Dan
Uechiryu Karatedo Kenyukai Matsuzaki dojo
Recommended Level : Intermediate, Advanced Recommended Age : From 18 years old and up to 70s
Theme of the seminar
• Movement according to physical fitness and embodiment of basic karate movements.
• Representation of techniques and practical movements according to the proficiency of the student.
Date & Time : August 9 (Friday) 10:00~12:00

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04 Uechi-ryu kei Kanji Uechi

Uechi-ryu 7th Dan
Uechi-ryu Karatedo Kyokai Soke Shubukan
Recommended Level : All Recommended Age : 15 years and older
Theme of the seminar
Learn and experience movements according to physical strength, focusing on kata inherited from the founder.
Date & Time : August 9 (Friday) 12:30~14:30

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05 Uechi-ryu kei Shinmatsu Okuhama

Uechi-ryu Hanshi 10th Dan
Okinawa Karatedo Kyokai (Uechi-ryu)
Recommended Level : All Recommended Age : High school student (16 years old) and above
Theme of the seminar
How to use the Uechi-ryu of three types of kata
 Beginner : KANSHIWA
 Intermediate : SESAN
 Advanced : SANSERYU
Date & Time : August 9 (Friday) 12:30~14:30

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06 Kobujutu Mitsukazu Toe

Ryukyu Kobudo (Taira-kei) 8th Dan
Ryukyu Kobudo Hozonkai
Recommended Level : Beginner, Intermediate Recommended Age : 3rd grade of elementary school and above
Theme of the seminar
1. Historical outline of Okinawa kobujutsu
2. History of the Taira-kei
3. Characteristics of Ryukyu Kobudo Hozonkai
Date & Time : August 9 (Friday) 12:30~14:30

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06 Kobujutu Tomoichiro Nagamine

Ryukyu Kobudo (Taira Shinken kei) 7th Dan
Ryukyu Kobudo Ryushikai
Recommended Level : Beginner, Intermediate Recommended Age : Elementary school students and above
Theme of the seminar
1. Experiencing basic kobudo movements of the Taira Shinken-kei
Date & Time : August 9 (Friday) 12:30~14:30

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07 Kobujutu Giyu Gibo

Shorin-ryu Hanshi 10th Dan
Shorin-ryu Syobukan HDQRS
Recommended Level : All Recommended Age : 10 years old and up
Theme of the seminar
1. Katas of tonfa and nunchaku
Date & Time : August 9 (Friday) 15:00~17:00

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08 Naha-te kei Yoshio Kuba

Goju-ryu Hanshi 10th Dan
Okinawa Karatedo Kenpokai
Recommended Level : All Recommended Age : High school students and above
Theme of the seminar
1. Basics, kata variation and application
Date & Time : August 9 (Friday) 15:00~17:00

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09 Naha-te kei Meitatsu Yagi

Goju-ryu Hanshi 10th Dan
Kokusai Meibukan Goju-ryu Karatedo Renmei
Recommended Level : All Recommended Age : All
Theme of the seminar
Goju-ryu basic kata, SANCHIN, Kote kitae, Kakete, Kaishu Kata, GEKISAI Ⅰ~
Date & Time : August 9 (Friday) 15:00~17:00

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10 Naha-te kei Masanari Kikugawa★

Holder of Okinawa Prefecture designated intangible cultural asset
Goju-ryu 10th Dan
Okinawa Goju-ryu Karatedo Kyokai
Recommended Level : Intermediate Recommended Age : 15 years and older
Theme of the seminar
• SANCHIN and basic techniques
• Kata and application
Date & Time : August 10 (Saturday) 10:00~12:00

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11 Shuri/Tomari-te kei Takeshi Nakazato

Shorinji-ryu Hanshi 9th Dan
Zen Okinawa Shorinji-ryu Karatedo Kyokai
Recommended Level : Intermediate Recommended Age : Junior high school students and older (13 years old and up)
Theme of the seminar
1. Experience the traditional techniques of Shorinji-ryu passed down from Master Chotoku Kyan to Master Joen Nakazato
Date & Time : August 10 (Saturday) 10:00~12:00

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12 Shuri/Tomari-te kei Toru Kyan

Okinawa-Kenpo Kyoshi 8th Dan
Okinawa Kenpo Karate-Do Association Kenyukai
Recommended Level : All Recommended Age :
Theme of the seminar
1. Teaching Nakamura Shigeru’s kata, application, etc., handed down from the Bushi Kuniyoshi.
Date & Time : August 10 (Saturday) 10:00~12:00

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13 Shuri/Tomari-te kei Kenyu Chinen

Okinawa Shorin-ryu Karate 10th Dan
World Oshukai
Recommended Level : All Recommended Age : 12 years old (junior high school students) and up
Theme of the seminar
1. Shorin-ryu karate kata, kata kumiwaza, application, dojo kumite
Date & Time : August 10 (Saturday) 12:30~14:30

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14 Naha-te kei Tetsu Gima

Goju-ryu 9th Dan
Okinawa Goju-ryu Karatedo Sohonbu Jundokan
Recommended Level : All Recommended Age : 15 years and older
Theme of the seminar
1. Breathing techniques and basics, application, practical application
Date & Time : August 10 (Saturday) 12:30~14:30

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15 Naha-te kei Sadayuki Taira

Goju-ryu Kyoshi 8th Dan
Okinawa Karatedo Gojukai Meibukan Taira Dojo
Recommended Level : Beginner, All Recommended Age : 15 years and older
Theme of the seminar
1. Basic movement, the importance of Sanchin’s breathing technique, kitae
Date & Time : August 10 (Saturday) 12:30~14:30

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16 Uechi-ryu kei Tsutomu Nakahodo★

Holder of Okinawa Prefecture designated intangible cultural asset
Uechi-ryu Hanshi 10th Dan
Okinawa Karatedo Kyokai
Recommended Level : All Recommended Age : High school student (16 years old) and above
Theme of the seminar
1. How to use the three katas of the Uechi-ryu
Beginner: KANSHIWA
Intermediate: SESAN
Advanced: SANSERYU
Date & Time : August 10 (Saturday) 15:00~17:00

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17 Shuri/Tomari-te kei Zenpo Shimabukuro

Syorin-ryu Hanshi 10th Dan
Kokusai Okinawa Shorin-ryu Seibukan Karatedo Kyokai
Recommended Level : All Recommended Age : Elementary school students and above
Theme of the seminar
1. Learn and experience the techniques and characteristics of Shorin-ryu Seibukan, the style of Chotoku Kyan sensei, who studied under Sokon Matsumura sensei and other teachers.
Date & Time : August 10 (Saturday) 15:00~17:00

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18 Shuri/Tomari-te kei Koyu Higa

Shorin-ryu Kyoshi 7th Dan
Okinawa Shorin-ryu Karatedo Kyudokan Rengokai
Recommended Level : All Recommended Age : All
Theme of the seminar
1. Introduction to the basic movements and techniques of the Kyudokan
Date & Time : August 10 (Saturday) 15:00~17:00

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19 Uechi-ryu kei Shintoku Takara★

Holder of Okinawa Prefecture designated intangible cultural asset
Uechi-ryu 10th Dan
Okinawa Uechi-ryu Kyokai
Recommended Level : Intermediate, Advanced Recommended Age : 16 years old to 70s
Theme of the seminar
1. Breathing method, basic kata of Uechi-ryu
Date & Time : August 11 (Sunday) 10:00~12:00

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20 Kobujutu Kotaro Iha★

Holder of Okinawa Prefecture designated intangible cultural asset
Ryukyu Kobudo Ryukonkai 10th Dan
Recommended Level : All Recommended Age : 3rd grade of elementary school and up
Theme of the seminar
• Transition of kobujutsu
• Technique of Ryukonkai
Date & Time : August 11 (Sunday) 10:00~12:00

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21 Kobujutu Seiki Takushi

Goju-ryu, Ryukyu Kobudo (Matayoshi-kei) Hanshi 10th Dan
Goju-ryu Shobukan Sohonbu
Recommended Level : All Recommended Age : 15 years and older
Theme of the seminar
• History of Okinawa Kobujutsu
• Characteristics of Matayoshi Kobudo
Date & Time : August 11 (Sunday) 10:00~12:00

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22 Shuri/Tomari-te kei Morinobu Maeshiro★

Holder of Okinawa Prefecture designated intangible cultural asset
Shorin-ryu 10th Dan
Okinawa Shorin-ryu Karatedo Kyokai
Recommended Level : All Recommended Age : 15 years and older
Theme of the seminar
1. Learn the techniques and characteristics of the Shorin-ryu, which has been passed down from Sokon Matsumura, Anko Itosu, and Choshin Chibana.
Date & Time : August 11 (Sunday) 12:30~14:30

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23 Shuri/Tomari-te kei Yoshitaka Taira

Matsubayashi-ryu 10th Dan
Sekai Matsubayashi-ryu Karatedo Renmei
Recommended Level : Intermediate, Advanced Recommended Age : Junior high school students and above
Theme of the seminar
1. Emphasizing natural movements, thrusting, kicking, and unsoku in a fast motion. Training of agility and instantaneous force.
Date & Time : August 11 (Sunday) 12:30~14:30

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24 Shuri/Tomari-te kei Nobuko Oshiro

Shorin-ryu Hanshi 9th Dan
Okinawa Karatedo Shorin-ryu Taishinkan Association Honbu Dojo
Recommended Level : All Recommended Age : 6 years old and up
Theme of the seminar
1. Learn and experience the techniques and characteristics contained in the kata for NAIHANCHI and PINAN, the traditional kata of the Shuri-te kei and Shorin-ryu.
Date & Time : August 11 (Sunday) 12:30~14:30

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25 Naha-te kei Morio Higaonna★

Holder of Okinawa Prefecture designated intangible cultural asset
Goju-ryu Shihan
International Okinawan Goju-ryu Karate-do Federation
Recommended Level : All Recommended Age : 15 years and older
Theme of the seminar
1. SANCHIN breathing techniques and the importance of kata, Application
Date & Time : August 11 (Sunday) 15:00~17:00

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26 Naha-te kei Masaaki Ikemiyagi

Goju-ryu Hanshi 9th Dan
Goju-ryu Okinawa Meibukan Honbu
Recommended Level : Advanced Recommended Age : 15 years and older
Theme of the seminar
1. Mastering traditional and correct techniques
Date & Time : August 11 (Sunday) 15:00~17:00

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27 Shuri/Tomari-te kei Minoru Nakazato

Shorin-ryu 10th Dan
Okinawa Karatedo Shorin-ryu Shorinkan Association
Recommended Level : All Recommended Age : Elementary school students and above
Theme of the seminar
1. Learn and experience the techniques and characteristics through the kata of the Shorin-ryu Shorinkan Association.
Date & Time : August 11 (Sunday) 15:00~17:00

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About holder of Okinawa prefecture designated intangible cultural asset
For many years, individuals who have dedicated themselves to the inheritance and refinement of Okinawa karate and kobujutu techniques, and who have been recognized for their advanced embodiment of these techniques, have been certified as holders of the Okinawa Prefecture Designated Intangible Cultural Property “Okinawa Karate and Kobujutu.” This certification is aimed at preserving and passing on these traditions. Currently, 8 individuals are actively involved in this endeavor.

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